Glad you found yourself here! I’m all about empowering men & women to see the potential they have in themselves - even when they don’t believe it yet.

This is a theme in all I do.


I could start at the beginning, but that part isn’t really that exciting. I had a great childhood. I was a people pleaser. I LOVED being teacher’s pet - and I loved praise. I craved it. I would do anything for some praise. This led me to being incredibly confused when growing up. I wanted to make those around me happy, but I felt like I kept failing at that - because so many of the things that made others happy weren’t my strengths.

Let’s fast forward…

At the tail end of high school, I stumbled into entrepreneurship by creating a tutoring business. This eventually led me down a path of opening an afterschool learning center (Kumon). I worked with students on their mindset around mathematics. Though much of my early work was with teenagers, it all centered around one common theme: BELIEF.* (this will be important later)

Fast forward a few years again. I own a successful business, am living in a house I bought with my partner (the great and amazing Bobby), going on vacations, have more money in my bank account THAN EVER BEFORE— and I’m STRESSED about money and free time — so much that I started walking dogs for a few dollars. Where is the logic? There is none. My relationship to money and time wasn’t logical or based in reality - it was based in emotion.

This is where I started working on myself, my mindset, my patterns, and my actions.

I soon realized the relationship I had with work and free time was grounded on the idea of “hustle”. So much of my programming and mindset was holding me back in all areas of my life: personal, financial, in my business, and in my friendships and other relationships. It was sobering, but also freeing.

Learning the tools to better understand my thinking patterns and break free of them gave me the freedom to dream bigger than ever before. It gave me confidence to be sure of the choices I am making and ASK for what I want. This process also greatly improved my finances, my business, relationships, and my life. This is exactly why I’m so passionate about working with others.

I can’t wait for you to see YOUR potential and break free from the chains you’ve wrapped around yourself.

Ready to unveil what’s already there?



Let me help you find

and live into your values